To help you manage the amount of time you spend playing at TONY99, you can set up a Reality Check alert on your account. Once set, a pop-up alert will be displayed as a reminder that you have been logged into your account for the specified period of time (excludes Poker game play).
If you wish to receive the alerts more often any changes will be applied straight away, but if you wish to receive the alerts less often you will need to wait 24 hours before this is applied.
You can set or amend your Reality Check in the Responsible Gambling Controls section of Members by choosing Reality Checks.
To enable you to keep track of your activity, you can access a history of your transactions, deposits and withdrawals in our Members area and your balance is always visible in the top right corner of the page when logged in to TONY99.
You can access your online account history by going to Services then selecting History when logged into your account.